May 17, 2018

Beemer Memory 22: the Eagle Iron & Leather Shop

Last month I experienced a motorcycle flashback when the Eagle Iron & Leather Shop popped up while I was on my way to shoot the power plant at Moss Landing (link below).      

Moss Landing power plant on the right in the VERY far distance

photos by Styrous®

While the bike shop itself was a lotta fun to stop in and look around, it was the Raul Reyna motorcycle sculptures (link below) in front and around the building that had first snagged my eye.

The larger-than-life-size motorcycle sculptures, as demonstrated by the photo below with the man on the right, (he's for real, not part of the sculpture) were created by Mexican artist, Raul Reyna, from recycled material: found metal, horse shoes, old liscence plates, etc. They are absolutely amazing!   


I got a chance to talk to Risë who was in the shop at the time and she told me about the artist who created the sculptures which run from $26,000 and up; she said they don't sell very many of them but it was ok as they brought in customers.            

Raul Reyna sculpture inventory sheet
photos by Styrous®

She showed me around the store which has all the great stuff you would expect to find in a bike shop, however, in addition to the usual items . . .

. . . there were some off-the-wall ones as well . . .

Risë told me interesting and funny stories about motocycles, about this and that and we had a great time. All in all, it was a load of fun and before I left, I bought a leather vest that, when I wear it, I'll remember her, the Eagle Iron & Leather Shop and especially the Raul Reyna motorcycles.    

Eagle Iron & Leather Shop
Highway 1 & N Struve Rd,
Moss Landing, CA 95039
Ernie Buck (Manager) 

Viewfinder links:  
Moss Landing      
Moss Landing Power Plant   
Moss Landing articles      
Raul Reyna motorcycle sculptures      
Net link:         
Eagle Iron & Leather Shop      
Styrous® ~ Thursday, May 17, 2018    


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