November 27, 2014

T Day Flambé ~ 2014

This has been one of the most memorable Thanksgivings of my life. 

Debut wine glass
              photo by Styrous®

We have always had dinner with family or friends. This year was the first exception. Everyone we know was out of town or otherwise engaged so, it was just the two of us. 

A new friend came by early in the day. It was our first social contact and the first time she had visited our studio. She had made some pies and she brought a couple of slices for us. She told me to put them in the fridge to chill them a little but I put them in the freezer temporarily so they would chill quicker. Both were pumpkin; one slice was covered with persimmon and the other with chocolate.


We talked about our lives, careers and work then we took her upstairs so she could see the exhibition which has our work in it currently showing at the Gray Loft Gallery (see links below). When she left, it was with the joy of new found friends.

After she left, we finished preparing for the meal; as there was just the two of us, we decided to buy half a turkey breast rather than a whole turkey. The plan was to roast it in the oven as we would a whole turkey with a wonderful cornbread "stuffing" which had carrots, onions, pine nuts, etc.

While it was cooking, we both worked on projects and things which kept us occupied. The next thing I knew, the smoke alarm went off and when the oven door was opened, the flames of the fire leapt out of the oven.


We put the pan out on the deck to let the flames and smoke die down, then scraped off the burned parts. As we were in emergency mode, I didn't get a single shot of the action. I mashed up some potatoes but, obviously, there was nothing to make gravy with so we ate them with just butter and salt.

I got out the beautiful Debut glasses I have had for decades. They were made in 1986 in Yugoslavia "expressly for R. H. Macy, Inc." according to the box it came in. Originally a set of four, it had dwindled down to two; perfect for this occasion. We opened up one of our nice bottles of wine, toasted our friends who were not there with us, and to each other, then thoroughly enjoyed our duet-tary meal. We joked about the fire and the scorched turkey (actually, just the skin). To be honest, we kept bursting out laughing through the whole dinner.

After dinner I made coffee and went to get the pie slices our friend had brought for us earlier. I couldn't find them at first then discovered them in the freezer where I'd forgotten them. They were frozen solid as popsicles (believe it or not, invented in Oakland).

photo by Styrous® 

When we were finished with the meal and cleaning up, we discovered the salad we'd forgotten to serve with the meal. 

Oy vey!

Yeah, it might be considered a disaster of a Thanksgiving by some but as I looked at the soot covered stove later, I realized, to us it was magic because we had each other to share it; we had found a new friend to add to the many we have; and we both have our work in the gallery upstairs. For all this and much more, we gave thanks. We will laugh about the "disaster" for years, to be sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

remains of the day
photo by Styrous®

What a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Viewfinder links:     
Gray Loft Gallery ~ There Is a There There      

Styrous® ~ Thursday, November 27, 2014   

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