August 16, 2024

Henry Mancini postage stamp by Victor Stabin

On August 16, 2003, a United States postage stamp featuring Henry Mancini was unveiled. The design showed Mancini conducting with titles of his works on a screen behind him with Breakfast at Tiffany's at the top of the list. The stamp was designed by artist Victor Stabin.           

Stabin, born on March 5, 1954, is an American "eco-surrealist" painter, author and illustrator. He is noted for his work in education and has used his book Daedal Doodle as a teaching tool in several schools, an endeavor sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts.          
His father invented scientific instrumentation and worked on the Manhattan Project. His mother Florence was a piano teacher in Brooklyn. Stabin worked for numerous different publications including Newsweek, The New York Times, Time Magazine and Rolling Stone as well as designing book covers for publishers Penguin Books, Random House and others. Some of his most well-known work as an illustrator includes painting nine stamps for the United States Postal Service, the cover for the KISS album Unmasked, and a mural for the RCA/BMG headquarters.        
He was hired by the USPS in 2008 to create the artwork for stamps depicting four American scientists—theoretical physicist John Bardeen, biochemist Gerty Cori, astronomer Edwin Hubble and chemist Linus Pauling.           
American scientists - 2008
 designs by Victor Stabin
Viewfinder links:           
Henry Mancini            
Postal stamps on the Viewfinder             
Victor Stabin           
Net links:            
Victor Stabin website           
U. S. Postage Stamps           
Styrous® ~ Friday, August 16, 2024          



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