April 1, 2024

Ana Briongos ~ Mi cuaderno morado (My purple notebook)

Ana Maria Briongos ~ Mi cuaderno morado 
A few years ago, Ana was preparing to publish her latest book, Mi cuaderno morado. She contacted me to get my permission to use a photograph I'd taken of her in my studio a few years earlier to use in it; needless to say, I was honored to have her use it and I gladly agreed.    
In 2023, she sent a mockup of the cover of the book for me to examine what the finished product might look like with the photo.  

Mi cuaderno morado mockup

A few days ago Ana delivered a first edition of the book to me and I discovered she'd given me photo credit, so, I've been published again (link below). Thanks Ana!
Ana Maria Briongos - credits page
As it is in Spanish, which is not my forte, other than knowing "cuaderno morado" is a "purple notebook", it's taking me a while to get through it. I'll keep at it.     



Viewfinder links:          
Ana Maria Briongos     
New York Times photo         
Styrous® ~ Monday, April 1, 2024       

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