Yesterday the Rhythmix Cultural Works (link below) presented the 8th event in its series, Radical Beauty.
Although it was smaller in scope than previous Beauties, there were no dancers, there was art and the music played was HOT!
Papiba and Friends provided Brazilian funk, Taller Bombalele came in with its Puerto Rican Bomba, the Combo Sabroso West played some hot rhythms with congas and Christelle Durandy crooned smooth Afro-Latin Jazz with her boys backing her up. Somehow, I missed Randy and the Gypsy Boys, however.
There was something for everyone, an area for kids to do art of whatever kind they wanted and cookies to help them do it.

Of course there was art! There has to be art in anything Rhythmix does. This time it was provided by Jessica Eastburn, Deborah Sullivan (link below) and Danielle Giudici Wallis.
Deborah Sullivan

La Musica
Christelle Durandy Trio

Combo Sabroso West

Papiba & Friends
Taller Bombalele
Net links:
Styrous® ~ Sunday, May 12, 2019
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