September 13, 2013

Barcelona ~ Mostra de Gegants

Gegants Mostra
photo by Styrous®

From the 22nd to the 24th of September, 2010, I had the fortune to witness the grand parades with the Gegants during the La Mercè celebration in Barcelona, Espańa. And what an incredible spectacle it was! I had previously seen them on display in the courtyard of the Casa de Caritat in El Raval (see link below) where I was able to get better shots of them. But it was so much fun to see them in action.

This time the Gegants were exhibited in a building equally as beautiful as the Casa de Caritat, the Palau de la Virreina on La Rambla on the edge of El Raval. Earlier, in July, I had been in the complex to attend the OjodePez, an international conference on photography, and I heard presentations given by major photography personalities including photographer, Susan Meiselas. The Palau was used as the staging area for the Gegants entrance into the city.

a brief history of La Mercè

In 1687, Barcelona suffered a plague of locusts. To fight against the insects, Barcelona prayed to the Virgin. At the end of the invasion she was named patroness of the city of Barcelona. Every year since that time, the festival in honor of the Virgin is celebrated from the 20th to the 24th of September, the actual feast day. This patronage was only recognized by the Pope in 1868.

The many events that have been scheduled for this year, 2013, can be seen on the Barcelona Tourist Guide's website.

preparations for the parade

all photos by Styrous®

(click on any image for slideshow)

In the early years, the representation of Violant of Hungry changed from year to year and the presentation set the style women followed for that year; although that is not the case now, the presentation is still in effect. The representation of Jaume I of Aragon never changed. Poor guy!

entrance of the
Gegants into the city

Jaume I and Violant of Hungary
the presentation

Jaume I and Violant of Hungary
 the presentation

Jaume I and Violant of Hungary
entering the streets

Jaume I and Violant of Hungary

all photos by Styrous®

There is a video of the parade of the gegants in action during the 2010 La Mercè on YouTube by ki55er.

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona
T 933 161 000

Main link to La Mercé articles:
Barcelona ~ La Mercé 2010 articles

Individual links:

Styrous® ~ Friday, September 13, 2013

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