July 25, 2024

Turkish Delights (introduction)

Turk Street, San Francisco
In the Western Addition of San Francisco there was a row of junk shops on Turk Street that ran from Gough Street just west of the Civic Center to Fillmore Street (just a few blocks) that dated from the early part of the 20th century. I'm not talking about antique shops or stores, these were literally stores full of junk where you could find the most amazing items, clothing, furniture, records, bick-a-brack, etc. 
When I moved away from home to live on my own in the late fifties I was pretty broke and haunted these stores; I called it, junking. I continued the practice into the early seventies until the whole area, including the wonderful junk shops, was demolished for redevelopment.        
In that period I found and purchased the most incredible items. I have decided to start a new section on the Viewfinder devoted to these items I found back then and figured I'd call it, "Turkish Delights". There is a link below that will have links to the articles as I write them.             
Styrous® ~ Thursday, July 25, 2024
Viewfinder links:        
Turkish Delights       

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