Welcome to "Spain Week" where we'll be looking at some talent from this
warm, sunny and incredibly fashionable country. Taking up where we left
off on Friday, I pointed up that Spanish bridal wear is exciting for
two juxtaposing ideas: modesty as well as flamboyance. Today we're
going a step further, celebrating fashion photography and the work of Styrous who disappears to Spain every so often
(sometimes I swear it's his second home) bringing back stunning images
like these.

"Nuclear Tree Shadow" by Styrous® evokes a possible future.
His oblique branches photographed in a burning sky have a fearsome kind of beauty. His abstraction, "Window on the Void", describes the uncertainty of our season of awareness in the midst of global changes."

"We also stopped to look closely at the photograph, “Open", by Styrous®. I found it stark but somehow warm and Bonnie just had nothing but praise for it."
- Laura Casey