Well, España has been quite an experience. It is now two months since we’ve been here. We have a great apartment in El Raval, one of three barrios in an area called, Ciutat Vella, in the heart of old Barcelona.
Well, España has been quite an experience. It is now two months since we’ve been here. We have a great apartment in El Raval, one of three barrios in an area called, Ciutat Vella, in the heart of old Barcelona.

This is the view from our window looking
down the street in both directions.
photos by Styrous®

Though our street may look narrow,
there are narrower ones.
photo by Styrous®

It is right across the street from El Indio,
a famous dry goods store from the late 1800’s
(yep, it was raining in June) . . .
photo by Styrous®

. . . . just a couple of blocks from Plaça Catalunya . . .
photo by Styrous®

. . . and one block behind the fantastic Boqueria . . .
photo by Styrous®

. . . which looks entirely different at night . . . .
photos by Styrous®

The streets are busy by day . . .
photos by Styrous®

. . . and mysterious by night.
photos by Styrous®

And there is La Rambla del Raval!
photo by Styrous®
~ Styrous - Aug. 8, 2010